From 27-30 March 2025 there will be a SICAMM beekeeping Conference in Stavanger, Norway.
We are particularly excited because it is the 30th Anniversary of SICAMM’s formation and we are hoping to have fun as well as a great Conference !! Norway was the site of the first SICAMM Conference ever and so it is particularly apt that we are back with Norsk Brunbielag as our local hosts. The full programme will be available shortly but we already know that we have some exciting Presentations and activities on the Agenda. Please visit our new website,, and get a taste of things to come !! On the website you will see a way to register to attend, lots of information on the Homepage and our first Newsletter. For those of you who do not know SICAMM we are an International Federation of European Beekeepers primarily dedicated to the European Dark Honey Bee but with genuine concern for all of our localised, wild and free living honey bees. We are very proud that the European Beekeeping Association (EBA) has promised support to the Conference. We hope to see you in Stavanger.
John Greenaway, SICAMM Vice- President