Scientific Committee on Apiteraphy
President SC: MU Dr. Jana Irsakova
Slovakia | MUDr. Jana Irsakova | Adviser of President of Slovak beekepers association for Apitherapy, lector of
apitherapy |
Germany | Dr. Thomas Gloger
Api-Zentrum Ruhr
Food additives – natural health services |
MD PhD MPH apitherapist. Zorica Plavšić | President and founder of the Firs International Medical Society for Apitherapy Serbia – АpiMеd
Srbija |
Nika Pengal | Nationally certified beekeeper and Nationally certified apitherapist |
Litvania | Prof. Kristina Ramanauskienė | Professorial position in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the Lithuanian
University of Health Sciences |
Simona Bisboaca | APIPHEN sarl – St Aubin |
Slovenia | Žiga Jenko | National Vocational Qualification-certified apitherapist |