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Head office: Brdo pri Lukovici 8, 1225 Lukovica, Slovenija, eba@ebaeurope.eu



Two online meetings of EBA representatives with representatives of Associations from Portugal were held today.

The first meeting with the APIMIL association from Portugal represented by Samuel Jácome and President Alberto Dias from the APIMIL – Entre-Minho e Lima Beekeepers’ Association on behalf of EBA was attended by Mr. Stefan Spiegl, vice President of EBA from Germany and Biljana Tomic, General secretary of EBA.

The vice President of the EBA, Mr. Stefan Spiegl, presented the fundamental work of the EBA, introduced colleagues from Portugal with the activities of the EBA so far and presented the main goals of the EBA as well as the current formation of the Scientific Committee of the EBA.

The interlocutors agreed and determined

– that the associations have the same main goals

– that the association from Portugal will promote EBA in the future

After exchanging information and presenting the work, we discussed the price of honey in Portugal and Germany.

The meeting ended in a good and friendly atmosphere with agreements on future cooperation.

The second meeting was held with the association APICAVE and their vice president Tiago Moeira, on behalf of EBA the meeting was attended by Mr. Jorge Spiteri, Vice President of EBA and General secretary of EBA Biljana Tomic.

The participant from Portugal was introduced to the work of the EBA by Mr. Jorge Spiteri, who presented all the previous activities of the EBA from its establishment until today through a short presentation.

The vice-president of APICAVE agreed on the common goals of the EBA and their association, and offered to propagate the ideas of the EBA in Portugal.

The meeting passed in the atmosphere and discussions about the future cooperation of EBA with APICAVE association.

EBA invites all associations from Europe to contact us and to schedule meetings, review joint capacities and agree on future cooperation.

Only united and together can we work in the interest of bees, beekeepers and consumers of our beautiful Europe.